Millennium “Building” new Bette & Cring Website
Bette & Cring Construction Group has announced that Millennium Business Communications, of Albany, New York is in the process of designing its new website. The site will be elegant in design with features including an overview of Bette & Cring, its principals and turn-key services, an extensive gallery of current and completed projects, as well as a complete slide show highlighting the company’s long and storied history.
Millennium is also creating a web presence for The Bette Companies, which will unify the several operating companies owned by the Bette family including Bette & Cring, BBL Florida, Texas BBL, First Columbia and COGEN Power Technologies. A preview can be seen at
“The Bette family and Bette & Cring have been leaders in the Construction industry for decades, and now they will have a strong web presence that will reflect that,” stated Paul Madelone, Chief Marketing Officer for Millennium. “At the same time, we’re building a strong national brand for The Bette Companies, tying together all of their companies under one umbrella.”